
高中英语Unit3 Looking good,feeling good-Reading课件牛津版必修1 课件VIP专享VIP免费

高中英语Unit3 Looking good,feeling good-Reading课件牛津版必修1 课件高中英语Unit3 Looking good,feeling good-Reading课件牛津版必修1 课件高中英语Unit3 Looking good,feeling good-Reading课件牛津版必修1 课件高中英语Unit3 Looking good,feeling good-Reading课件牛津版必修1 课件高中英语Unit3 Looking good,feeling good-Reading课件牛津版必修1 课件
Unit 3 Unit 3 Dying Dying to be to be thin...thin... What kind of person do you like What kind of person do you like better, the fat or the slim? better, the fat or the slim?  If you are the person who is a little If you are the person who is a little over-weight, how would you lose over-weight, how would you lose weight? (Watch weight? (Watch a flash a flash and guess, and guess, please.)please.)Suggested answersSuggested answers Going on a diet Going on a diet  Exercising in a gym or other placesExercising in a gym or other places Receiving surgical treatment (Receiving surgical treatment ( 外科外科治疗治疗 )) Taking weight-loss pillsTaking weight-loss pillsSkimmingSkimming Listen to the three e-mails quickly and Listen to the three e-mails quickly and answer the following questions on the answer the following questions on the screen.screen. 1.Where does Amy come from?1.Where does Amy come from? 2.What kind of pills did Amy take?2.What kind of pills did Amy take? 3.What caused Amy’s liver to fail?3.What caused Amy’s liver to fail?Canadaweight-loss pills called fat-lessThe chemicals contained in the weight-loss pills.Read the e-mails and Read the e-mails and do some exercisesdo some exercisesTRUE OR FALSETRUE OR FALSE1. In Amy’s first e-mail to Zhou Ling, 1. In Amy’s first e-mail to Zhou Ling, she is going on a diet to lose weight.she is going on a diet to lose weight.2. In the last two months Amy has lost 2. In the last two months Amy has lost 10kg.10kg.3. In Amy’s second e-mail, she 3. In Amy’s second e-mail, she regrets taking those weight-loss regrets taking those weight-loss pills. pills. FFTtaking weight-loss pills7kg4. Li Dong is a man from Canada, and ...

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