
高中英语 Unit12 lesson2 Mind Your Manners课件 北师大版必修4VIP专享VIP免费

高中英语 Unit12 lesson2 Mind Your Manners课件 北师大版必修4高中英语 Unit12 lesson2 Mind Your Manners课件 北师大版必修4高中英语 Unit12 lesson2 Mind Your Manners课件 北师大版必修4高中英语 Unit12 lesson2 Mind Your Manners课件 北师大版必修4高中英语 Unit12 lesson2 Mind Your Manners课件 北师大版必修4
Lesson 2Lesson 2 Free talk:Free talk: Do you think you’re a person with good manners? Why?1.Greeting people:2.What you should do:3.What you shouldn't say:Western mannersGood morningGood afternoonGood eveningHow do you do?HelloHow are you?Greeting people:Nice to meet you!…Raise his hat.1. If a man is wearing a hat,how should he greet you? 2. When you first meet someone, what should you do? 3. If the woman doesn't offer her hand , what should you do?Nod your headWhat you should do:Shake his hands.Where are you going ?Where have you been?Have you had your dinner?×××What you shouldn’t say: handshakekissembraceshake nodbow kiss your hand to sb.Western mannersWestern manners10( ) 1.Use the fork with your right hand. ( ) 2. Put your napkin( 餐巾 ) on your lap. ( ) 3. Start eating as soon as your food is served in front of you. ( ) 4. Ask for a second bowl of soup. ( ) 5. Use your fingers when eating chicken. ( ) 6. Finish eating everything on your plate . ( ) 7. Talk loudly while eating. ( ) 8. Make other people drink more spirits( 烈酒 ) than they can take. IPIIPPIIDecide which of the following behaviors are polite or impolite at a western dinner party. Write ‘P’ (polite) or ‘I’ (impolite) in the brackets. A friend from Britain named Jack invites you to have dinner at his home at 7:00 pm. What will you do if you want to make a good impression on the others?1.Before dinner, arrive __ _____ .2.At the dinner party, follow _____ ______.For example, speak _____ and _____ a lot.3. When leaving, Say _____ and ______.In a word, knowing the manners will help you makea good impression on the others.…on timetable mannersthanksgoodbyequietlysmileWhat will you do if you want to make a...

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