Lesson 2Lesson 2 Free talk:Free talk: Do you think you’re a person with good manners? Why?1.Greeting people:2.What you should do:3.What you shouldn't say:Western mannersGood morningGood afternoonGood eveningHow do you do?HelloHow are you?Greeting people:Nice to meet you!…Raise his hat.1. If a man is wearing a hat,how should he greet you? 2. When you first meet someone, what should you do? 3. If the woman doesn't offer her hand , what should you do?Nod your headWhat you should do:Shake his hands.Where are you going ?Where have you been?Have you had your dinner?×××What you shouldn’t say: handshakekissembraceshake nodbow kiss your hand to sb.Western mannersWestern manners10( ) 1.Use the fork with your right hand. ( ) 2. Put your napkin( 餐巾 ) on your lap. ( ) 3. Start eating as soon as your food is served in front of you. ( ) 4. Ask for a second bowl of soup. ( ) 5. Use your fingers when eating chicken. ( ) 6. Finish eating everything on your plate . ( ) 7. Talk loudly while eating. ( ) 8. Make other people drink more spirits( 烈酒 ) than they can take. IPIIPPIIDecide which of the following behaviors are polite or impolite at a western dinner party. Write ‘P’ (polite) or ‘I’ (impolite) in the brackets. A friend from Britain named Jack invites you to have dinner at his home at 7:00 pm. What will you do if you want to make a good impression on the others?1.Before dinner, arrive __ _____ .2.At the dinner party, follow _____ ______.For example, speak _____ and _____ a lot.3. When leaving, Say _____ and ______.In a word, knowing the manners will help you makea good impression on the others.…on timetable mannersthanksgoodbyequietlysmileWhat will you do if you want to make a...