浅析上海会展旅游的现状及其发展对策旅游管理专业 叶林指导老师 丁晓蕾 摘 要:会展旅游——一项新兴的旅游产品,具有高利润、高产出的特点。能为旅游业和社会经济带来综合的经济效益,并能提高城市的知名度和美誉度。它在中国的发展也是越来越好,上海朝世界级大城市目标迈进之时,发展会展旅游非常重要,也是上海朝世界靠拢的标志,会展被称为“城市的窗口”。本文通过收集上海近几年对会展旅游研究的文章 ,以大量的数据和实例为支撑,对它发展的优劣势进行了分析,并且对上海如何进一步提升会展业的发展水平,提出了对策建议和操作措施。 关键词:会展旅游;会展业;发展策略;上海An Analysis and Countermeasure Study for Conference and Exhibition Tourism in ShanghaiStudent majoring in Tourism Management Ye Lin Tutor Ding XiaoleiAbstract: The conference and exhibition tourism——a new style product, characterized by remarked by high profit and output value, bring out economics and social development. And it helps build up the image of a certain city,is developed more and more better. When Shanghai make the foot to the worldwide big city,develop conference and exhibition tourism is very important. Develop the economy is the symbol of Shanghai.The conference and exhibition is called as the “mirror of the city”. This paper,however,by plenty of data,makes a analysis of the superiority and deficiency for Shanghai to develop the conference and exhibition industry and makes original proposals and countermeasures to operate or Shanghai to further development.Key words: conference and exhibition tourism;conference and exhibition industry;development strategies;Shanghai会展旅游,这一新兴的专项旅游产品以每年 10%速度递增,是世界旅游市场中增长最快的一部分。以上海为例,上海会展业自上世纪 90 年代以来,全国性或国际性会展数量以每年近 20%的速度递增。据统计,1990 年,上海举办的展览会只有 40 个,展览面积 10 万㎡。到了 1999 年,会展数量达 150 个,展览面积 80 万㎡。到 ...