A ppendix 5 附錄 5Job Description for Principal Jobs in the Life Insurance Sector 人壽保險業主要職務的工作說明Code No.編號Job Title職稱Job Description工作說明SENIOR MANAGEMENT LEVEL 高層管理人員級101Managing Director/Chief ExecutiveAssumes total management responsibility of the company with other managers/executives as direct subordinates. Formulates company policies and objectives with a view to achieving them. Collects, collates and presents information required by directors. Represents the company in dealing with the government, business concerns and the public.常務董事/行政總裁全權負責管理公司,直接管轄各部門經理/行政人員。制訂公司政策,以求達致公司目標。收集、整理及提交董事所需資料。代表公司與政府、商業團體及公眾聯絡。103Chief ActuaryAssesses and certifies the solvency of the company as a whole. Ensures the valuations of liabilities of the company for various statutory purposes comply to the Insurance Companies Ordinance. Determines the transfer of assets out of the life fund. Formulates guidelines and assumptions for carrying out various actuarial studies.總精算師評估及證明公司整體的償債能力,確保公司因各種法定目的而進行的債務評估,符合保險公司條例的規定。決定何時將資產自人壽基金調出。制訂各種精算研究的指引及假設。105Head - Individual OperationsManages the operational activities of the individual life portfolio. Formulates strategies and develops new products for business expansion. Establishes objectives and performance targets. Coordinates with other departments to streamline existing procedures and provides quality services to clients. 主管 - 個人保單管理個人保險業務的運作。制訂業務發展策略及開發新產品。訂立工作及績效指標。協調其他部門簡化現有程序,並為客戶提供優質服務。SENIOR MANAGEMENT LEVEL (Continued) 高層管理人員級(續)Code No.編號Job Title職稱Job Description工作說明107Head - Marketi...