宜昌市夷陵区实验初中九年级英语《小组合作学习与管理》“八环节”设计 学科English教学内容Unit 14 Period 1 Section A(1a---2d)总 22年级9主备Wang Dan执教授课时间自主学习目 标Students read and remember the words and they can use them fluently . Students recite the spelling of the words in this unit ..合作学习目 标Discuss and find out the phrases in this unit 合作探究目 标Talk about the past things you still remember合作重点 Grasp the use of I remember合作难点 Understand and use remember doing sth.合作关See if each See if each member in the group can talk about what they still remember in the past time 教学环节教 学 素 材教师行为学生活动情景导入 Read the words in groups, get the pronunciation right .1 Show the goals .2 Move around ,seeing if they need help The leader checks and teaches them to read . Correct their answers .自主学习Dictate some of the words .Check in groups . The leader helps the member correct their mistakes.Move around the classroom . Help if they need .Record the mistakes they have made .合作学习1b 1c , some pictures.Give help when necessary.Give encouragements.Learn in groups.疑难点拨Summarize the use of remember doing on the blackboard .Help them if they need . Solve the difficult point .Explain the key points.Ask questions and take notes.合作探究 2a, 2b, 2c, some pictures. Give comments and encouragements.Discuss and report.教学环节教 学 素 材教师行为学 生 活 动成果展示2d, some pictures.The answers , the conversations and the reports.The best group can get a star .Give comments and encouragements.Work severally or in groups.课堂检测 Complete the sentences.The best student can get a star .Look and then give answers.Work by themselves.反馈延伸More exercises.Explain more.Practice more .集体意见 The teachers can change the contents or ways when necessary.教学反思三级检查优秀 合格不合格意见或建议检查日期签字(盖章)备课组检查教研组检查教务处检查