广西工学院鹿山学院毕业设计(论文)题 目: 锥形塑料件注塑模 系 别: 专业班级: 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 职 称: 二〇一一 年 五 月 二十七 日摘要本文是关于锥形塑料件注塑模的设计,主要内容包括塑件的成形工艺分析,模具结构形式的确定,分型面位置的确定,浇注系统的形式和浇口的设计,成形零件的结构设计和计算,模架的确定和标准件的选用,合模导向机构的设计,脱模推出机构的设计等。在正确分析塑件工艺特点和 PP 材料的性能后,涉及模具结构、强度、寿命计算及熔融塑料在模具中流动预测等复杂的工程运算问题;运用 CAD、UG 等不同的软件分别对模具的设计、制造和产品质量进行分析。锥形塑料件注塑模设计,采用一般精度,利用CAD、UG 来设计或分析注射模的成型零部件,浇注系统,导向部件和脱模机构等等。综合运用了专业基础、专业课知识设计,其核心知识是塑料成型模具、材料成型技术基础、机械设计、塑料成型工艺、计算机辅助设计、模具 CAD/CAM/CAE 等。关键词:模架;标准件;脱模推出机构SynopsisThis paper is about the design of plastic injection mold, cone-shaped include plastic parts forming process analysis, determination of die structure form, parting surface positioning, gating system forms and runner design, forming parts structure design and calculation, the determination of the formwork and standard parts choose, shut the mould design of steering mechanism, stripping out institution design, etc.In the correct analysis plastics technology characteristics and PP material performance, involving the mould structure, strength, lifetime calculation and molten plastic mould flow prediction in complex engineering computation problem; Using CAD, such different software UG respectively to mold of design, manufacturing and product quality analysis. Tapered plastic injection mold design, use general accuracy, use CAD, UG to design or analysis of injection mold, gating system, discusses guide components and moulding mechanism, etc. Comprehensive use of the professional bas...