论文题目:四季花园小区 FTTH 方案设计专 业 :电子信息工程 0804 学 号:0707050119学 生 :胡 超 签 名: 指导老师:石 崟 签 名: 摘 要 FTTH(fiber to the home,光纤到户)的概念兴起于 20 世纪 90 年代,至今已经历了十余年的发展与演变,作为光接入网的终极方案,FTTH 在众多宽带接入技术中一直是人们关注的重点。FTTH 是一种光纤从通信局端一直延伸至用户家庭的宽带光接入方式,在这种接入方式下,每个用户家庭独享一根光纤分支,多个用户的信号通过有源或无源汇聚点分/合路至局端。随着互联网的快速发展,人们对带宽的需求持续增加,传统的电信网络已经不能满足人们对带宽的需求,也无法适应固网运营商在原有网络上开展新服务,于是,可提供全业务、高速率的光接入网就成为了宽带接入网的最有效解决方案。本文以兴平市四季花园小区为宽带接入对象,进行 FTTH 综合布线的方案设计,通过此设计掌握无源光网络的系统结构以及 OLT 等相关设备的性能;同时为建设方提供投资分析和施工指导。【关键词】:FTTH;带宽;无源光网络; OLT【论文类型】:设计型 Title: FTTH scheme design for Sijihuayuan districtMajor: Electronic and Information Engineering0804Name: Hu Chao Signature:______Supervisor: Shi Yin Signature:______AbstractFTTH (fiber to the home, FTTH) concept emerged in the 1990s. It has experienced more than ten years of development and evolution. As the ultimate scheme of the optical access network, FTTH has been the focus of attention in the number of broadband access technologies. FTTH is a broadband optical access way that the fiber extends to families from communications infrastructure. In this access mode, Each user family exclusive one fiber branch. Multiple user’s signals are brought together or separated to the central office through the active or passive dotted. With the rapid development of Internet, People's demand for bandwidth increases continuously. Traditional telecommunications network has been unable to meet people's demand for bandwidth and unable to ad...