主谓结构基本句型:人 / 物 + 做 ( + 什么)1.He comes late. 主语 + 动词 + 副词2.He is working hard. 主语 +V-ing + 副词3.He has just left. 主语 + have/has done4.He had left. 主语 + had done5.He left in a hurry to catch the bus. 不定式6.He was working at that time. 时间状语7.He has been working all the morning.主语 + has / have been doing + 时间主语8. He will come here next week.主语 + Will +V- 原 + 时间状语作业: 1. 你赢了。2. 他失败了。3. 很多小朋友在哭。4. 会议已经开始了。5. 我明天回来。6. 昨天 5 点我在学习。7. 他一整天都在学习。 You / win (won). He / failed.Many children / are crying.The meeting / has begun.I / will come back / tomorrow.I / was studying / at 5:00/ yesterday.He / has been studying / all day.强化训练:1.我今年暑假要去北京。2.他们从没去过夏威夷。 ( Hawaii )3.他来这里接女儿。 ( pick up )4.母亲节是在 5 月的第二个星期天。 ( fall on )5. 可怕的海啸终于停了。 ( tsunami )I / will go to Beijing / this summer holiday.They / have never been to Hawaii.He / came here/ to pick up his daughter.Mothers’ Day / falls on the second Sundayin May.The horrible tsunami / finally stopped.6. 我上次的英语考试不及格。7. 我正在努力改掉睡懒觉的毛病。 ( break the habit of )8. 这个地区在过去的两年中,失业率从 6%降到了 5% 。( unemployment rate )I / failed / in the English exam / last time.I /am trying to / break the habit of / gettingup too late.The unemployment rate / in this district / hasfallen/ from 6% to 5%/ in the past two years.