Teacher's body languageStand up straightyou will feel better, you will look in controlavoid folding your arms or standing behind a deskIf you do want to cross your arms,SMILE!What a difference it makeshands out, palms upshows you are open to questions and answersnot like this,Your hand on your chin, encourages students to think about the answer, and shows you are waitingbut, DON'T SHOUT!!!!!!!If you can, walk around the classroombut getting too close to students makes them very uncomfortablebut a tap on the shouldercan stop a problem before it startsand smileWagging your finger at someone ..............is like hitting someone with a stick!Try to keep a neutral or happy expression on your face.Never show contempt or disgust,they can ruin relationships.Keep eye contact with the studentsit builds trust.......and remember to smileit makes the students feel betterand it makes YOU feel better too.Student body language signs are easier SleepingIf you know when students are bored, then you can do something before they start fighting and finallyThere is a cartoon character called PinocchioWhen he tells a liehis nose grows longerBut how can we tell if a real person is lying?Facial signals can tell if someone is lyingWho is lying?These pictures are exageratednormal lying There are four main signs of lying in someone's faceThe first sign is the eyes. When the brain is "creating a picture" the eyes instinctively move up and to their right (your left), signifying access to the right hemisphere (creation) and visual cortex (pictures). This usually means they are constructing a picture in their head. If someone is recalling a picture (remembering something that they actually saw) then they would look up and to their left (your right).The eyebrows rising towards the centre of the forehead (where the arrow lands in the picture) is a sign of fear. This sign can occur during or immediately after a lie, because they are scared that you will see through it.Another sign of fear is the sides of the lips turning down. The muscles that control this action are very specific and it is almost impossible to consciously activate them without activating any other lip-related muscles.This is my favourite sign, when someone touches their nose or lips, covers their mouth or in some way touches their face during the telling of a lie. It is very common.These four signals are not 100% accurate, butthey are good guidelinesAlsoand one more thingThe end