轴瓦的冲压模具及送料机构设计学 生:李帅明指导老师:董 亮(湖南农业大学东方科技学院,长沙 410128)摘 要:我的毕业设计是轴瓦的冲压模具及送料机构设计,主要涉及到冲孔落料复合模的设计。模具的生产主要是大批量的生产,而且模具可以保证冲压产品的尺寸精度和产品质量,模具的设计与制造主要考虑到模具的设计能否满足工件的工艺性设计,能否加工出合格的零件,以及后来的维修和存放是否合理等。在本次设计的轴瓦中,不仅要考虑要使做出的零件能满足工作要求,还要保证它的使用寿命。其次设计中还要考虑到它的实际工作环境和必须完成的设计任务,以及很多关于我所设计模具的知识,包括它的使用场合、选择合适的模具及送料方式等,从这里可以知道模具设计是一项很复杂的工作,所以设计要不断的改进直到符合要求。 关键词:轴瓦;模具;复合模The Design of the Bush Punching Automatic Feeding Machine with the MoldAuthor: Li ShuaimingTutor: Dong Liang(Oriental Science &Technology College of Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128)Abstract: My graduation design is the Bush punching Automatic feeding machine with the Mold. The main concern is the design of the composite modulus that contains the punching die and the blanking die. Because of large quantities production of the mold, either the mold can guarantee the high dimensional accuracy and its quality of product; the molds' design and manufacture must consider weather the mold can meet the requirements of the work piece craft. Also must consider weather the mold can process the qualified part. Of cause, it also must consider weather the mold's service and store is reasonable. In the design of the bush, I not only should consider the parts can meet the job requirements, but also must ensure that its service life. Second in this design its actual work environment and must complete design task should be consider. And a lot about the knowledge of the mould what I design. Including the use...