食品包装材料中油墨成分的迁移及溶出摘 要采用食品模拟物进行迁移实验,结合固相微萃取-气相色谱质谱联用技术(SPME/GC-MS),建立了食品包装材料印刷油墨中两种光引发剂溶出量的测定方法。研究了迁移温度和时间对光引发剂迁移的影响,以纯水和 10%乙醇-水为食品模拟物,在 4℃和 45℃下迁移 120min。模拟液用固相微萃取(SPME)技术进行萃取,对萃取头、萃取温度和时间进行了优化。利用 GC-MS 对目标物进行定量分析。结果表明,二苯甲酮和 4-甲基二苯甲酮 在 0.03µg/L ~ 1.0µg/L 的 范 围 内 线 性 关 系 均 良 好 ( r2≥0.99 ) , 检 测 限 分 别 为0.0012µg/L、0.0040µg/L。两种目标物在三个添加水平下,平均回收率为 75.1%~95.6%,相对标准偏差均小于 11.5%。本方法简单、快速、准确,能够满足食品包装的日常检验需要。关键词:食品包装材料;食品模拟物;气相色谱质谱法;光引发剂;迁移实验Migration and dissolution of components in printing ink of food packing materialsABSTRACTFood stimulant and solid phase microextractiongas chromatography-mass spectrometry (SPME/GC-MS) were used in the abstraction experiment. A method for the determination of two kind of photoinitiators migrated from the printing ink on the surface of food packaging material has been developed. Photoinitiators in the food packaging samples were abstracted with food stimulant at the condition of 4℃、45℃、120min. The influence of temperature and time were for photoinitiators’ abstraction was studyed. Abstract was extracted by a solid phase microextraction (SPME)technology. Extraction-fiber, temperature and time were optimized. The target was analysised by GC-MS. The results showed that, the limit of detection for benzophenone and 4-methyl benzophenone was 0.0012µg/L and 0.0040µg/L with a good linear correlation (r2≥0.99) in the range of 0.03µg/L ~ 1.0µg/L.The average recoveries of the two compounds at three spiked level of were 75.1% ~95.6%, with the relative...