高级口译翻译篇主讲:张驰新欢迎使用新东方在线电子教材开场白:Contents: 1.高级口译翻译数字理论2.高级口译现行评分标准3.英译汉翻译技能4.汉译英翻译重点5.高级口译翻译十大原则和十大经典句型第一章 高级口译翻译数字理论 Appropriateness注:(╳表示错误示范,╱表示正确示范)舒舍予,字老舍,现年四十岁,面黄无须。I have a yellow face. ╳I have a pale face. ╳I have a withered complexion. ╱ Backgroundeconomic equality经济平等╳经济均衡化╱efficiency Vs effectiveness效率 Vs 效能performance绩效我宣布……开幕了I declare …open╳I declare the commencement of …╳… is herewith inaugurated.╱meeting 非正式会议conference 正式大型会议session 特定主题专业会议 CultureWhite elephant白象请愿书round robin Diversificationthink tank智囊团 Expressiveness Faithfulness Gracefulness第二章 高级口译评分标准1)Wording Accuracy2)Phrase Accuracy3)Paraphrasing NativenessSwallowing small companies, the big media corporations will be able to control what Americans read and watch.4)Sequence CoherencyMy father is a good teacher who is kind to his students.由于我父亲对学生好,他是一个好老师5)Spelling, Punctuation and Tense拼写:拼错一个单词扣一分,同样的错误不扣分时态举例: 中国人民一直希望世界太平。The Chinese people are always loving world peace.时态重点词 would1、would 表示意愿I would be only too glad to help you.2、表示一种特人的行为That’s just what he would say.It would rain on the day we chose for a picnic.3、so that… would 表示目的、结果so that + can will may (现在/过去时态)表示目的She burned the letters so that her husband would never read them.总结:第 1、2、5 点考察考生硬功,约占比例 80%第 3、4 点考察考生软功,需在平日不断积累第三章 英译汉翻译技能直译是指在译入语条件许可的前提下,在译文中既表达原文的思想内容,又保留原文的语言表达形式直译:一针及时省九针意译:事半功倍意译是指译文能正确表达原文的思想内容,但不必拘泥于原文的语言表达形式。原则:能够直译的不要...