本科论文摘 要中国的人口老龄化问题日益严重,探索全新的养老服务模式迫在眉睫,当前全国大力推行的当属社区居家养老服务模式。而沂水县近些年老龄化问题加剧,因此迫切需要在社区居家养老服务方面进行实践与探索。本文在对沂水县社区居家养老服务现状调查的基础上,发现沂水县社区居家养老服务在知晓度、资金投入、人才培养、政策支持方面存在的问题,同时研究国外社区居家养老服务,总结不同国家社区居家养老服务优势所在,结合沂水县发展实际,为完善当地社区居家养老服务提供新的路径。关键词:社区居家养老,养老服务,老龄化Abstract本科论文The problem of aging population in China is becoming more and more serious. It is urgent to explore a new service model for the aged. In recent years, the aging problem in Yishui County has become more and more serious, so it is urgent to practice and explore the community home-based care for the aged service.Based on the investigation of the present situation of t the community home-based care for the aged service in Yishui County, this paper finds out the problems existing in the aspects of awareness, capital investment, personnel training and policy support of the community home-based care for the aged service in Yishui County, studies the overseas community home-based care for the aged service, summarizes the advantages of the community home-based care for the aged service in different countries, and combines the actual development of Yishui County to improve the local community home-based care for the aged service provides a new way.Key words: The community home-based care for the aged, elderly service, aging目 录前 言..................................................................................................................................11 概念界定以及理论基础....................................................................................................21.1 概念界定................