依云高端瓶装水的营销策略研究《依云高端瓶装矿泉水的营销策略研究》摘 要(已修改)“阿尔卑斯山的雨水流到依云变成了高品质矿泉水,流到日内瓦和洛桑却什么也不是。”这句在瑞士广为流传的名言从一个侧面说明了市场营销对于矿泉水的推广具有非常重要的作用。高端瓶装矿泉水公司并无品牌优势和资金实力,以市场追随者的身份初次进入瓶装矿泉水市场。如何定位目标消费群、制定营销组合策略、发展和扩大市场份额是公司当前面临的关键问题。本文首先阐述了矿泉水行业现状,并分析了竞争力量,然后对矿泉水市场细分进行了深入探讨,从而确定了高端瓶装矿泉水的营销定位及其目标市场,并对目标消费群的特点进行分析。作为中心环节,立足目标消费群,融入 4Cs(消费者、成本、便利和沟通)和 4Rs(关联、反应、关系和回报)的理念,为高端瓶装矿泉水项目制定了 4Ps(产品、价格、渠道、销售)营销组合策略。鉴于公司尚无瓶装矿泉水的营销基础和经验,讨论了如何建立实施营销策略的内部服务链,并设计了与业务流程匹配的组织体系来保障营销策略的实施。最后对公司营销的关键点和难点——营销精英的维系,从非物质层面有针对性地提出了解决方案。关键词:高端瓶装矿泉水;4Ps;营销策略 ;解决方案- I -依云高端瓶装水的营销策略研究The Subject of Undergraduate Graduation Project (Thesis) of DLNUAbstract"Rainwater flowing into the Alps is Evian mineral water with high-quality, flowing into the Geneva and Lausanne but what is not." This famous saying in Swiss illustrate marketing plays a very important role for the promotion of mineral water from one side. The high-end bottled mineral water company does not have the brand advantage and financial strength, into the bottled water market to market follower’s identity first. How to locate the target consumer group, marketing mix strategy, develop and expand market share, is the key issues facing the company. Firstly expounds the present situation of mineral water industry, and analyzes the competitive strength, and then deeply discusses the mineral water market segmentation, which determines the...