摘 要网络的空前发展给人们的工作和生活带来了极大的便利,信息技术已成为节约运营成本、提高工作效率的首选。相比之下,国内相当多的中小医院在医院预约工作中的手工工作比较保守,数据查询和存储成本都很高,但效率很低。为了使医院预约挂号管理更加高效、更加科学,决定开发医院预约挂号平台。本文采用结构化分析的方法,详细描述了一个功能比较强大的医院预约挂号平台开发前后的操作流程以及台湾涉及的一些关键技术。我们进行了可行性分析和系统分析的方法,通过实际的业务流程调研,分析业务流程和系统的组织结构,完成了数据流分析和数据字典;然后是系统设计阶段主要完成了功能模块的划分,阐述了设计的工具和技术与设计,数据库设计系统。在系统功能模块详细设计阶段,形成系统功能图。首先对数据库进行概念设计、结构设计、逻辑设计之后,最后完成了数据表的设计。根据前几个阶段的分析和设计,本系统采用 B/S 模式设计,同时利用 JSP 技术进行基本页面的设计与实现,后台数据库采用 SQL Server 2000 数据库。本系统的设计与实现是医院预约挂号系统的基础。关键词:挂号;结构化分析;平台- I -The unprecedented development of the network has brought great convenience to people's work and life, information technology has become the first choice to save operating costs and improve work efficiency. In contrast, quite a number of domestic small and medium-sized hospitals in the hospital appointment work manual work more conservative, data query and storage costs are high, but the efficiency is very low. In order to make the hospital appointment registration management more efficient, more scientific, decided to develop hospital appointment registration platform.In this paper, the method of structural analysis, a detailed description of a more powerful function of the hospital appointment registration platform before and after the operation of the development process and some of the key technologies involved in Taiwan. We carried out a feasibility analysis and system analysis method, business process...