学前儿童使用电子产品的现状及应对策略的调查研究摘要: 这是信息化发展最好的时代,科学技术的进步带动了电子技术的发展,人们也越来越关注电子技术所带来的影响。目前,电子产品使用者呈现低龄化趋势。学龄前儿童普遍在家庭中使用手机、平板一类的电子产品。电子产品为学龄前儿童的家庭教育提供了一定的便利,但是,电子产品长期的、随意的使用对儿童的视力、发育、及心理健康造成不良影响。本文对学前儿童使用电子产品的现状进行调查研究,并提出针对学前儿童正确使用电子产品的建议。关键词:学前儿童;电子产品;现状;应对策略Investigation on the present situation and coping Strategies of Electronic products used by Preschool ChildrenAbstract:This is the best era of information development, the progress of science and technology has led to the development of electronic technology, people are also more and more concerned about the impact of electronic technology. At present, the users of electronic products show a trend of younger age. Preschool children generally use electronic products such as mobile phones and tablets in the home. Electronic products provide some convenience for the family education of preschool children. however, the long-term and random use of electronic products has a negative impact on children's vision, development and mental health. This paper makes an investigation and study on the present situation of the use of electronic products by preschool children, and puts forward some suggestions for the correct use of electronic products by preschool children.Key words:Preschool children; electronic products; current situation; coping strategies目录一、问题的提出………………………………………………………………………1二、核心概念界定……………………………………………………………………1(一)学前儿童…………………………………………………………………1(二)电子产品…………………………………………………………………1(三)电子产品使用现状…...