下载后可任意编辑冶金专业毕业设计优秀范文12024 年 6 月 23 日下载后可任意编辑摘 要本文是以白钨精矿为原料年产 1000 吨 APT(仲钨酸铵)生产车间的设计说明书。根据一般有色冶金生产车间设计的步骤, 文章首先介绍了 APT 生产的的现状; 结合原料特征, 经过对 APT 整个工艺过程生产方法的比较, 选择了 NaOH 高压浸出分解白钨精矿—离子交换法除杂和转型—选择沉淀法分离钨钼—蒸发结晶生产APT; 经过对各生产工序金属平衡、 物料平衡计算和设备选型, 确定了各工序所需原料的量和设备的型号、 规格和数目; 并进行了合理的车间配置; 经过分析生产过程中工业三废的产生和危害, 提出了三废处理的方案; 根据生产过程需要, 对车间进行了劳动定员; 进而对整个工艺过程进行了技术经济分析, 计算结果表明本设计所采纳工艺流程技术上可行, 经济上合理。「关键词」 白钨精矿 NaOH 高压浸出 离子交换 APT 设计AbstractThe specification is a workshop of 1000t/y Ammonium paratungstate(APT) produced with scheelite concentrates. Following the general design steps of nonferrous metallurgy workshop, the present situation of the APT production was first presented. According to the characteristics of the raw material , technological process of sodium hydroxide(NaOH) leaching at high pressure—ion exchange—selectively precipitation to separate Mo—evaporation and crystallization process was selected as the process of APT production. The quantity of various materials in every process were fixed up and the corresponding equipments were designed or 02024 年 6 月 23 日下载后可任意编辑selected(include the type, size and number) originated from the result of calculating of the balance of metal and matter. The workshop is reasonably designed. The strategy of dealing with the industrial waste was proposed following the analysis of the source and the harm of the waste. The work force was arranged according to the requirement of producing process. At last, the economic target w...