制衣行业专有名词英文翻译6 2009-03-17 11:15:34| 分类: 个人日记 |字号 订阅 制衣厂常用术语中英文对照表 一)部门术语及常用词 A. 裁床:Cutting room 1 纸样制作原理及方法:The methods & principle of pattern making 2 排唛架方法:The methods of marker making 3 YPD 的计算及工厂唛架利用率:YPD calculation & marker use rate 4 拉布及割布方法,工票之使用方法及功用:Methods & function of spreading & cutting 5 裁剪日产量:Daily quantity of cutting 6 裁单:Cutting Report B.板房:Sample room 1 裤子,恤衫的车缝工序:Understand the procedures of sewing pants and shirt 2 熟识各个工序的称谓:Understand the name of various procedures 3 熟识各个线缝的名称及功能:Understand the name and function in various seams 4 了解缝 1 件衫所需的辅料:understand sub-materials used in a shirt 5 熟识样板制造单:Understand sample order C.车缝车间 1 熟识生产制造单:Understand the production order 2 熟识整个生产线的工序安排:Understand the product line lay out 3 各个工序的定价标准:Price standard of various process 4 质量控制方法:Methods of quality control 5 日产量:Daily product quantity 6 常见的车缝设备:Work-aids sewing Machine & attachments 7 常见的车缝疵点:Various types of sewing problem D.洗水厂: Washing department 1 洗水方法及不同的洗水特点:Washing type & various characteristic 2 不同洗水的洗涤剂:Various chemical consumption for each type of garment wash 3 如何控制洗水质量:Garment washing quality control E.包装:Packing department 1 包装工序的任务及要求:What propose with packing process 2 包装方法:Types of packing 3 包装所需的辅料:What assembly will be used in packing 4 包装机械设备:Packing equipment 5 装箱方法:Methods of packing 6 出货所需之文件:Shipping document 7 如何控制包装质量:How to control packing quality 二)GFG: Golden Field Garment 质量检查 QC: Quality control 1. 服装中-英名...