下载后可任意编辑堤防加固工程中快速筑堤技术的应用讨论堤防加固工程中快速筑堤技术的应用讨论 曾振雄 摘要:在堤防加固工程中,软基坝施工中存在稳定性差、施工周期长、不能大规模施工机械化、坝体土石堆积不畅、合拢难度大等问题。通过调查、观测分析、模型试验和工程实践,形成了堤防加固工程快速施工的新技术和新方法。指出了借助土工织物和塑料排水板快速对水下软基实施处理,采纳轻质硬壳堤坝方法快速构筑坝体的方法。这些方法适用于海洋、港口、路基、码头、人工岛等建筑物,具有工期短、速度快、成本低、安全可靠等特点。 关键词:堤防;软基;筑堤;施工 Abstract: In the embankment reinforcement project, there are some problems in the construction of soft foundation dams , such as poor stability , long construction period , no large-scale construction mechanization , poor soil and rock accumulation , difficulty in closing , and so on. Through investigation , observation and analysis, model testing and engineering practice, new technologies and new methods for rapid construction of embankment reinforcement projects have been formed. It points out the method of quickly treating the underwater soft foundation with the help of geotextile and plastic drainage board and adopting the method of light hard shell dam to construct the dam quickly. These methods are suitable for buildings such as oceans, ports, roadbeds, docks, artificial islands, etc., and have the characteristics of short construction period, fast speed, low cost, safety and reliability. Key words: embankment;soft foundation;embankment;construction 1下载后可任意编辑 0 引言 基于軟土地基大量含水、渗透性差、孔隙比高、很长时间方可凝固、超高灵敏度、低强度的抗剪性、触变性和蠕变性等诸多特点,迅速地把稳定安全的堤坝构建在软基上, 已经成为学术领域和工程领域讨论的关键课题。本课题采纳塑料排水板和土工织物快速处理水下软基,采纳轻质硬壳堤坝方法快速构筑坝体的方法,进行大强度快速加固建造堤坝的方...