1 《天路導向(粵)》雙語講義 上帝說 – 1 Go d Talk - 1 1. Hello, listening friends. 親愛的朋友,你好, 2. We are always delighted to bring you a new series of messages; 很高興今天能夠開始一個新的系列信息; 3. and, today, we’re going to bring you a new series entitled, "God Talk," 這個新的系列,就叫做“上帝說”。 4. or, we can call it, "What Does God Think About Himself?" 或者,“神如何看待祂自己?” 5. Throughout history, there were all kinds of people who presumed to speak for God. 縱觀歷史,很多人都認为他們是在为神說話。 6. Some even claimed to be God. 什至有人乾脆宣稱自己是神。 7. but let me ask you this: 可是,我要問你: 8. how do you truly get to know someone? 你怎樣才能真正認識一個人呢? 9. By listening to what that person says about himself or herself. 當然要聽這個人是怎樣介紹他自己的。 10. Right? 對不對? 11. People know you by what you say about yourself; 別人認識你是基于你如何看待自己; 12. and this rule applies, particularly, to God. 同樣,想要認識神,也不例外。 13. It is not what I say about God. It is not what you say about God. 不是聽你如何談論上帝,也不是聽我怎么介紹祂。 14. All we need to know about God is what God says about Himself; 而是由神親自來介紹祂自己; 15. and that is why I am doing this series of messages entitled, "What Does God Say About Himself." 這就是为什么我們要講“神如何介紹祂自己”這個系列的原因。 16. God tells us lots of things about Himself. 神告訴我們許多有關祂自己的事情。 17. We call these the "attributes" of God. 我們稱之为神的“屬性”。 18. Let me give you an example. 比如說, 19. We talk about God’s wisdom, God’s truthfulness, God’s mercy, God’s grace, God’s love, God’s wrath, His goodness, His faithfulness, and on, and on, and on. 我們常提到神的智慧、真實、憐憫、恩典、慈愛、憤怒...