sunshinesunshine椎体成形术骨水泥聚合温度变化实验研究柯珍勇邓忠良 黄朝梁 周言忠重庆医科大学附属第二医院骨科400010 [摘要 ]目的探讨经皮穿刺椎体成形术骨水泥聚合时温度的变化。方法模拟人体环境,在37℃水浴环境中,观测5ml 骨水泥球(palamed)共 5 个,聚合时中心温度及距表面5mm 处温度变化,尸体椎体标本 5 个(骨质疏松椎体) 内注射骨水泥 5ml,37 水浴环境下测 量骨水泥中心温度变化。结果骨水泥球中心温度,最高温度63~65.4℃,50℃以上持续时间66-73 秒;距表面 5mm 处最高温度52.2-56.3℃,50℃以上持续时间 28-33 秒;椎体内骨水泥中心温度最高 42~46℃。结论在摸拟人体环境下,骨水泥聚合时所产生温度上升与其它体外实验相比,最高温度较低及50℃以上持续时间短,在椎体成形术中不会出现聚合产热对周围组织造成热损伤。[关键词 ] 骨水泥温度椎体成形术骨质疏松Experiment study on temperature measurement during polymerization of bone cement in vertebroplasty Ke zhen-yong, Den zhong-Liang, Huang Chao-Liang, et al Department of orthopedics, second college of clinical medicine, chong Qing medical university. 400010 [Abstract] Objective: To explore the transformation of temperature sunshinesunshineduring polymerization of bone cement in vertebroplasty. Method:Imitate environment of human body, and five vertebral body, temperature was measured with five 5ml bone cement ball and five vertebral body with 5ml done cement injection, both were placed in a bath (37℃). Result: the peak temperatures in cement ball center were 63.1~65.4℃, the time above 50 degrees C were for 66~73 second, and away from ball face 5mm peak temperatures were 42~56.3℃. the time above 50℃ was for 28~30 second. The center temperature in vertebral body was 42~46℃ Conclusion: The peak temperature was lower and the time above 50℃ was shorter in imitated environment. There was no thermal damage during polymerization in vertebroplasty. [Key ...