Collection-5 MODIS Land Su rface Temperatu re Produ cts Users' Gu ide Zhengming Wan ICESS, Univ ersity of California, Santa Barbara March 2007 ALERT --- This document is a living document that describes the Collection-5 MODIS Land Surface Temperature (LST) products. It is revised as progress is made in the development and assessment of the LST products. Described is the current state of the MODIS LST products. The purpose of the document is to give the potential user of LST products an understanding of the MODIS LST products and the data in those products. The MODIS LST products MOD11_L2, MOD11A1, and MOD11B1 have been validated at stage 1 with in situ measurements in more than 50 clear-sky cases in the temperature range from -10oC to 58oC and the column water vapor range of 0.4-4cm, most of them presented in published papers (Wan et al., 2002 and 2004; Coll et al., 2005; Wan, 2007). More validation activities are under way. Please use the March 2006 version of the Users’ Guide for the descriptions of V4 Terra MODIS LST products (named starting with MOD11) and V4 Aqua MODIS LST products (named starting with MYD11). Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION1.1. File Format of LST Products 1.2. Sequence of LST Products2. MOD11_L2 LST PRODUCT2.1. Algorithm Description 2.2. Scientific Data Sets 2.3. Local Attributes 2.4. Global Attributes 2.5. Quality Assurance3. MOD11A1 DAILY LST PRODUCT3.1. Algorithm Description 3.2. Scientific Data Sets 3.3. Local Attributes 3.4. Global Attributes 3.5. Quality Assurance4. MOD11A2 EIGHT-DAY LST PRODUCT4.1. Algorithm Description 4.2. Scientific Data Sets 4.3. Local Attributes 4.4. Global Attributes 4.5. Quality Assurance5. MOD11B1 DAILY LST PRODUCT 5.1. Algorithm Description...