ideological and theoretical qualities and practical working ability, and strive to build a contingent of league cadres with positive work style and high quality. Hold a regular meting of the party secretary every fortnightly, arrange the work of the regiment, fedback the student information. Focus on training junior high school, junior high school secretary of the regiment branch to enable them to raise A firm political conviction, diligent and diligent learning spirit and practical and innovative work style.第一单元 数与式第 5 课时 二次根式教学目标【考试目标】了解二次根式、最简二次根式的概念及其加、减、乘、除运算法则,会用它们进行有关实数的简单四则运算.【教学重点】1.了解平方根、算术平方根、立方根的概念及意义.2.了解二次根式的有关概念以及二次根式是否有意义的条件.3.了解掌握二次根式的性质.4.学会二次根式的运算以及估值方法.教学过程一、知识体系图引入,引发思考二、引入真题,归纳考点【例 1】(2024 年凉山州)的平方根是 ±3 .【解析】此题考查了平方根以及算术平方根的概念为算术平方根,=9. 9 的平方根为±3.故答案为±3.Strengthen the team connection, strengthen the knowledge education among the students (especially the first grade students), and promote the formation of good school spirit with the influence of the league members. All League branches should start with recommending outstanding students as the development objects of the League, take amateur league schools as the basis, conscientiously do a good job in the work of pre-league education, league membership education, League members' vanguard exemplary consciousness education, excellent league members' education, etc. Under the premise of ensuring the quality, the development quantity of league members will increase steadily, and the ranks of league members in middle schools will be strengthened constantly. It is planned to ...