ideological and theoretical qualities and practical working ability, and strive to build a contingent of league cadres with positive work style and high quality. Hold a regular meting of the party secretary every fortnightly, arrange the work of the regiment, fedback the student information. Focus on training junior high school, junior high school secretary of the regiment branch to enable them to raise A firm political conviction, diligent and diligent learning spirit and practical and innovative work style.《明朝的对外关系》导学案【学习目标】1.掌握郑和下西洋的目的、时间、经过、意义,评价郑和下西洋。2.分析戚继光抗倭的背景、功绩和取胜的原因,综合评价戚继光。【自主学习】1.______年,郑和率领 60 余艘船只,出发。到 1433 年,郑和共_____次率队下西洋,先后到过_____多个国家和地区,最远到达红海沿岸和非洲东海岸。2.______年,倭寇大举进犯_______。戚继光率戚家军与之展开激烈的战斗,九战九捷,基本扫除了浙江的倭寇。戚继光被称为___________。3._______年,葡萄牙人进入澳门。以后长期占据澳门。_______年,荷兰占领了台湾南部,______年,荷兰驱逐了西班牙人,控制了整个台湾。【合作探究】探究点一:郑和下西洋的概况是什么呢?郑和下西洋的“西洋”,指的是今日的什么地方?探究点二:郑和为什么能够成功地实现远航?探究点三:郑和远航影响是什么?探究点四:你对戚继光有哪些了解呢?探究点五:戚继光抗倭为什么能够取得胜利?探究点六:在中国古代史上还学过哪支军队以纪律严明而著称?这支部队和“戚家军”在抗击对象上有什么不同?【当堂达标】一、单项选择题1.在今日,印度尼西亚有个港口城市叫“三宝垄”,马来西亚有座“三宝山”,这些名称的由来与下列哪一历史事件有关( )Strengthen the team connection, strengthen the knowledge education among the students (especially the first grade students), and promote the formation of good school spirit with the influence of the league members. All League branches should start with recommending outstanding students as the development objects of the League...