ideological and theoretical qualities and practical working ability, and strive to build a contingent of league cadres with positive work style and high quality. Hold a regular meting of the party secretary every fortnightly, arrange the work of the regiment, fedback the student information. Focus on training junior high school, junior high school secretary of the regiment branch to enable them to raise A firm political conviction, diligent and diligent learning spirit and practical and innovative work style.“伐无道,诛暴秦”时 间 第 2 课时课 题第 11 课 “伐无道,诛暴秦”课型新教学目标了解秦暴政表现、掌握陈胜、吴广起义、秦灭亡的基本史实,了解楚汉之争简单情况教学重点秦末农民战争教学难点刘邦、项羽所领导的战争性质变化教学设计老师活动学生活动一,. 导入新课上节课,我们学习了第 10 课《“秦王扫六合”》,同学们还记得秦是在哪一年统一六国的吗?(公元前 221 年)。统一六国后的秦始皇可谓是威震四海,为此他变得更加不可一世。事实上,秦始皇有没有得偿所愿呢?没有。那么,赫赫一时的秦王朝为什么会在顷刻之间土崩瓦解呢?这就是我们这节课要探讨的问题。二、秦的暴政现在给两分钟同学们阅读课文第一子目的内容,思考老师之前提到的问题:1、为什么赫赫一时的秦王朝会在顷刻之间土崩瓦解呢?2、那农民为什么要发动起义呢?3、很好。那么秦的暴政都体现在哪些方面呢?为了修宫殿、陵墓、长城和驰道等,秦朝每年服役的不下三百万人。繁重的徭役,迫使成千上万的农民脱离农业生产,社会经济遭到严重破坏。秦朝的赋税也 很重,农民要将收获的三分之二上缴国家。刑法残酷,单是死刑就有车裂等十多种,而且一人有罪,家族和邻里都要受到牵连。秦始皇死后,秦二世的统治更加残暴。 回答得很全面,现在我们在黑板上归纳一下:1、徭役繁重 秦末农民起义推翻了秦朝 秦朝推行暴政,迫使农民不得不起来抵抗Strengthen the team connection, strengthen the knowledge education among the students (especially the first grade students), and promote the formation of good school spirit with the influence of the league members. All League branches should start with r...