下载后可任意编辑“一带一路”背景下黑河市对俄贸易进展路径探讨“一带一路”背景下黑河市对俄贸易进展路径探讨 宁艳杰 翟立强 [摘 要] “一带一路”倡议提出以来,已由发起倡议阶段逐步过渡到具体项目落实阶段,项目实施取得的成果已经得到沿线多数国家的认同和积极参加,这为我国国内不同地区对外开放提供了新的契机,尤其是促进了我国国内不同地区与沿线各国深化务实合作。俄罗斯是“一带一路”沿线的重要国家,中俄贸易高质量进展对于“一带一路”倡议顺利推动具有重要意义。边境贸易是我国对俄贸易的重要方式,中俄贸易要迈向高质量进展阶段一定要重视两国边境贸易在促进两国贸易高质量进展中的重要作用。黑河市凭借地缘优势,成为我国开展对俄贸易合作重要的沿边开放城市,深化分析黑河市对俄贸易进展情况并提出进展路径,将有利于促进两国边境地区经济的繁荣稳定,增进两国人民之间的沟通,促进中俄两国贸易的高质量进展。 [关键词] 一带一路;边境贸易;沿边城市;黑河市 [中图分类号] F752.7 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 20XX-3283(20XX)05-0069-04 Abstract: Since the launch of the “Belt and Road” is initiative, it has gradually transitioned from the primary stage of the initiative phase to the implementation phase of specific projects. The results of the project implementation have been recognized and actively participated in by many countries along the route , which has provided new opportunities for opening up different regions of China. In particular, it has promoted the deepening of pragmatic cooperation in different regions of China and countries along the route. Russia is an important country along the “Belt and Road”. The high-quality development of Sino-Russian trade is of great significance for the 1下载后可任意编辑smooth progress of the “Belt and Road” initiative. Border trade is an important way for China"s trade with Russia. To enter the stage of high-quality development of China-Russia trade , we must pay attention to the important role of border trade be...