I广州市普通本科院校大学生择业现状分析和对策研究内 容 摘 要每一位毕业生刚进入社会就要面临择业,2019 年广东省普通高校参加就业的毕业人数接近 54 万,随着每年高校毕业生的人数上升,毕业生要面对择业压力和就业问题。然而大学生择业选择同样面临着许多因素的影响,个体因素、学校因素和社会因素都会影响毕业生择业,这些因素直接造成大学生的择业方向与未来发展,解决这问题关乎到持续经济发展和社会稳定。本文以广州市本科普通本科院校为例,利用问卷对其进行调查研究,探讨广州市本科普通本科院校学生择业现状与其存在的问题,对我国本科普通本科院校制定相对性措施提供借鉴与参考。因此对广州市本科普通本科院校大学生择业现状进行问卷调查,对其大学生择业现状做一个简单的分析说明,并竭力制定行得通的对策,作为未来发展的建议。关键词:广州市;大学生;择业;本科院校IIThe Analysis And Countermeasure Research of The Current Situation of College Studentsin GuangzhouAbstractChoosing a job is an important choice for every graduate. In the annual report on the employment quality of university graduates in Guangdong Province in 2019, the number of graduates participating in the employment of ordinary colleges and universities in Guangdong Province will be close to 540000. With the continuous increase in the number of college graduates, Graduates are under great pressure to choose jobs and obtain employment. However, college students' choice of employment is also faced with many factors. However, the employment choice of college students also faces many factors. These factors directly lead to the choice and future development of College Students' employment orientation. The solution to this problem can maintain economic development and social stability.This paper takes Guangzhou ordinary undergraduate colleges take for example, and uses the form of questionnaire to investigate the current situation and existing problems of students' job selection. The employmen...