广东省人力资源外包存在的问题及对策研究内 容 摘 要人力资源外包是企业为了节省人事部门的开销、提高工作效率,将人力资源管理职能中的一项或几项外包出去交由专业机构负责的一种管理策略,企业人力资源外包包括人力资源外包、人力资源管理外包、薪酬外包、薪酬管理外包、工资外包等。本文主要对广东省人力资源外包现状及问题等进行分析研究,广东省作为我国经济大省,人力资源外包的发展迅速,加上国家政策的扶持以及“粤港澳大湾区”的建设,人力资源服务业将会有一个质的飞跃。虽然广东省人力资源外包的发展前景大好,但仍存在的一些问题,如企业双方的文化冲突问题、企业信息安全问题、外包商选择问题等。针对存在的问题,本文拟从相关政府部门、企业双方以及行业方面进行分析探讨,提出针对性的对策。关键词:人力资源外包;人力资源服务;粤港澳大湾区IProblems and Countermeasures of Human Resources Outsourcing in Guangdong ProvinceAbstractHR outsourcing is a management strategy for companies to outsource one or several of the human resources management functions to professional institutions in order to save the expenses of the personnel department and improve work efficiency. Corporate human resources outsourcing includes human resources outsourcing, Human resources management outsourcing, salary outsourcing, salary management outsourcing, salary outsourcing, etc. This article mainly analyzes and researches the current situation and problems of human resources outsourcing in Guangdong Province. As a major economic province in China, Guangdong has developed rapidly in human resources outsourcing. The service industry will have a qualitative leap. Although the development prospects of human resources outsourcing in Guangdong Province are promising, there are still some problems, such as cultural conflicts between companies, corporate information security issues, and outsourcing supplier selection issues. In view of the existing problems, this article intends to analyze a...