广东省民办应用型本科院校应届毕业生求职影响因素分析内 容 摘 要民办高校毕业生由于民办高校办学水平参差不齐和社会经济不稳定而面临严峻的就业形势。本文从求职准备、求职过程、求职结果这三个阶段出发构建求职影响因素模型,并采用多元层级回归分析的方法去分析各求职影响因素和求职过程的中介效应对广东省民办应用型本科院校应届毕业生求职结果的影响。实证分析结果显示社会关系网、专业、求职机会识别、求职准备充分度对求职结果起正向促进作用且显著;社会关系网、专业、求职机会识别、求职准备充分度这几个因素通过求职过程的中介作用对求职结果产生正向影响。基于研究结果,对于应届毕业生求职,本文建议毕业生在全面了解自己的基础上,积极关注国家政策,提高自身综合竞争力,做好求职准备,并充分利用社会关系网来帮助自身求职,促进就业。关键词:应届毕业生;求职准备;多元层级回归分析;中介效应PAGE \* MERGEFORMATIAnalysis on the Influencing Factors of Job-hunting for Fresh Graduates from Private Application-Oriented Universities in Guangdong ProvinceAbstractGraduates of privately-run colleges and universities are faced with severe employment situation due to their uneven level of participation and social and economic instability. This paper starts from the three stages of job-hunting preparation, job-hunting process and job-hunting result to build a job-hunting influencing factor model, and USES the method of multivariate hierarchical regression analysis to analyze the influence of various job-hunting influencing factors and the mediating effect of job-hunting process on job-hunting results of fresh graduates from private application-oriented colleges and universities in Guangdong province. The results of empirical analysis show that social network, profession, job opportunity identification and job preparation play a positive and significant role in promoting job search results. Social network, specialty, job opportunity identification and job preparation have positive e...