广东省民办高校毕业生就业与发展实证研究内 容 摘 要多年以来大学毕业生的就业与发展问题都是关乎我国经济快速发展的热点民生问题,而作为我国高等教育的重要组成部分的民办高校,其毕业生就业和往后发展问题往往不被重视甚至受到忽视。民办高校毕业生往往由于其特殊的定位和自身禀赋使得他们在实习就业方面常面临较为严峻的就业形势从而导致其产生巨大的就业心理压力。这一系列因素无疑会构成我国毕业大学生身心健康造成不可忽视的重大影响。因此,我们应对民办高校提出新的发展要求,分析民办高校毕业生就业压力原因,归纳总结从专业知识、职业技能、个人发展方向和学校就业辅导课程等多个方面,注重教育和引导,以此来提高民办高校毕业生的就业与发展能力,探究和构建民办高校毕业生就业压力的调适路径。关键词:民办高校 ;择业动机 ;就业 ;职业规划 IAn Empirical Study on the Employment and Development of Private College Graduates in Guangdong Province AbstractFor many years,the employment and development of university graduates have been a hot issue related to the rapid development of China's economy and people's livelihood. As an important part of China's higher education, the employment and future development of private colleges and universities are often ignored. Private college graduates often face severe employment situation because of their special positioning and their own endowment, which leads to great psychological pressure on employment. This series of factors will undoubtedly constitute a significant impact on the physical and mental health of graduates in China. Therefore, we should put forward new requirements for the development of private colleges and universities, analyze the reasons for the employment pressure of private college graduates, summarize and pay attention to education and guidance from professional knowledge, professional skills, personal development direction and school employment guidance courses, so as to improve the employ...