中国人寿 Z 公司收展部薪酬体系优化设计【摘要】随着中国保险业的进一步发展,保险市场的竞争也将更激烈。同时,我国保险业开始迈入转型期,对于人才密集型的保险公司来说,人才的重要性日益凸显。为了吸引和留住对企业未来发展有用的人才,企业必须建立起一套科学合理、具有竞争性的薪酬体系。本文以 Z 公司收展部存在的问题作为切入点,通过问卷调查与实地观察的形式,对收展部的薪酬体系与收展人员的薪酬满意度进行了研究分析。通过调查研究发现,Z 公司收展部的薪酬体系主要在以下几个方面存在问题:与企业战略的匹配性、绩效考核、薪酬结构、职业发展通道、对薪酬制度的了解程度。针对这些问题,设计了由职业发展通道与薪酬结构两个部分组成的优化方案,同时与绩效考核设计了接口。基于优化方案,提出了几个保障措施与之相配套,以保证方案能顺利实施,并最终促进设计目标的实现。【关键词】薪酬体系;薪酬设计;保险公司Optimal Design of Compensation System for Collection and Development Dept. of China Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Z Branch[Abstract] With the further development of China's insurance industry, the competition in the insurance market will become more fierce. At the same time, China's insurance industry has begun to enter a transition period, for the talent intensive insurance companies, the importance of talent is increasingly prominent. In order to attract and retain talents useful to the future development of enterprises, enterprises must establish a scientific, reasonable and competitive compensation system.This paper takes the problems existing in the Collection and Development department of Z company as the entry point, and through the form of questionnaire survey and field observation, researches and analyzes the compensation system and the compensation satisfaction of the staff. Through investigation and research, it is found that the compensation system of the Collection and Development department of Z company mainly has problems in the following aspec...