本科论文摘 要21 世纪以来,企业间的竞争开始转向人才的竞争,谁拥有高技能优秀人才,谁就会在经济竞争中占得先机。最近几年,我国保险行业随着互联网+模式的推出,开始涉及各个领域的理财投资。而依托大数据的经济时代下,企业间的合作也紧密联系。平安保险公司作为我国保险企业的翘楚,自然在国内保险企业中占有重要的地位。而人力资源管理对于企业人才的选拔有着重要作用,为了维护平安保险集团在国内同行业企业中的龙头地位和新经济时代下走出去的创新步调,有必要对平安员工培训方面以及人才开发方面进行系统性的创新。 本文通过大量理论数据的研究,以平安保险公司为例,根据平安保险公司现阶段存在的问题出发,发现企业在人才引进发展中存在着许多培训问题,主要存在着公司高层决断以及培训人员和受培训人员的问题,并对此展开了各项原因的针对性分析,探究新经济时代下,如何培育健全人才的开发和公司的发展举措,由此来优化平安公司的员工培训和人才的选拔,为此提出相应的策略。关键词:平安保险公司;员工培训;对策;人才发展Abstract本科论文 Since the 21st century, the competition among enterprises has turned to the competition for talents. Those who have high-skilled talents will have the first chance in the economic competition. In recent years, with the launch of the Internet + model, China's insurance industry has started to involve in financial investment in various fields. In the economic era relying on big data, the cooperation between enterprises is also closely linked. Ping an insurance company, as the leader of Chinese insurance enterprises, naturally occupies an important position in domestic insurance enterprises. Human resource management plays an important role in the selection of enterprise talents. In order to maintain the leading position of ping an insurance group among domestic enterprises in the same industry and to go global in the new economic era, it is necessary to carry out systematic innovation in the aspects of staff training and talent development of ping...