中国联通韶关分公司的工作分析与工作评价及应用研究摘要:在现代企业管理中,工作分析和工作评价是人力资源管理的前提,这样可以有效的提升人力资源的管理水平,并且同时能够解决一些人力资源相关的问题。在我国还有挺多企业对工作分析和工作评价没有足够的重视,在这方面还存在很多问题,这就导致在人力资源规划、员工招聘、培训、绩效考核、薪酬管理等模块中出现一些较大的问题,严重的还可能影响企业生存和发展。在市场竞争激烈的时代,许多目光长远的企业领导人都开始注重工作分析和评价,并且根据企业实时情况不断改善,工作分析、工作评价已成为企业关注的一个热点问题。 因此本文对工作分析、工作评价理论做了整体概述,以中国联通信集团有限公司在韶关的分公司为研究的对象,针对中国联通韶关分公司目前的工作分析及评价的现状进行概述,结合该中国联通韶关分公司在工作分析和评价实践中的情况,提出了一些改善对策,来帮助中国联通韶关分公司解决在工作分析及评价中存在的问题,以期能够为相关企业提供理论实例和经验借鉴。关键词:工作分析;工作评价;中国联通注:本论文(设计)题目来源于教师的国家级(或省部级、厅级、市级、校级、企业)科研项目,项目编号为: AbstractIn modern enterprise management, job analysis and job evaluation are the prerequisites for human resource management, which can effectively improve the management level of human resources, and at the same time can solve some human resource related problems. There are still many enterprises in China that do not pay enough attention to job analysis and job evaluation. There are still many problems in this regard. This has led to some problems in the modules of human resources planning, employee recruitment, training, performance evaluation, salary management, etc. Big problems, serious ones may also affect the survival and development of enterprises. In the era of fierce market competition, many long-term business leaders have begun to focus on job analysis and evaluation, and continue to improve according to the real-time situation of the enterp...