关于中山市大参林连锁药业有限公司门店员工流失的问题研究【摘要】随着国内医药市场的迅速发展,医药企业对人才的需求不断扩大,行业人才竞争也日趋激烈。为了能在行业中赢得核心竞争优势,控制门店员工流失成为了中山大参林的关键任务。一定范围内的员工流动有助于人力资源管理的优化,一旦超出合理范围的员工流失规模就会对企业产生不良影响。因此,研究中山大参林门店员工的流失问题,对于提升公司内部的人力资源管理水平具有十分重要的现实意义。本文主要对中山大参林 2018-2019 年门店员工流失进行研究分析,发现门店员工流失数量和流失率居高不下,门店员工流失控制上多次没有达到公司指标要求。而影响中山大参林门店员工流失的具体原因按照占比由多到少依次是家庭原因、学习深造、寻找新的发展机会和无法胜任工作等。因此,要从与其联系最为密切的培训方面入手,有针对性地完善公司的培训体系:根据流失原因调查结果明确门店员工的培训需求,规范培训计划及流程的实施,增强培训讲师的专业性,改变单一的培训内容与方式,为门店员工建立合适的职业发展通道。【关键词】连锁药店;门店员工;人员流失;培训Research on Zhongshan Dashenlin Chain Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. pharmacy staff turnover problems[Abstract] With the rapid development of the domestic pharmaceutical market, the demand for talents by pharmaceutical companies continues to expand, and competition for talents in the industry is becoming increasingly fierce. In order to gain a core competitive advantage in the industry, controlling the turnover of store employees has become a key task for Zhongshan Dashenlin. Employee mobility within a certain range helps optimize human resource management, and once the scale of employee turnover exceeds a reasonable range, it will have an adverse impact on the enterprise. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study the problem of employee turnover in Zhongshan Dashenlin store to improve the internal human resources management level of the company.This paper mainly studies and analyzes the turnover ...