摘 要近些年来,酒店行业在第三产业经济发展中占有不可小觑的位置,因此酒店行业变成了热门抢手的行业。酒店想要快速发展就需要人才的支撑,但目前酒店员工流失的现象也愈见严重,这一现象的发生对于酒店行业的发展经营产生了一定的影响。由此可见,提高酒店员工的稳定性对于提高酒店行业竞争力有着重要作用。员工流失问题不仅是酒店行业存在的问题同时也是其他行业共同存在的问题。酒店行业属于高度服务行业。内部员工的工作态度与其服务质量的好坏是密切相关的,酒店的服务质量取决于员工的稳定性,员工的稳定越好其服务质量就越高,反之亦然。本论文通过对员工流失的类型以及意愿等基础上,对员工流失的现状进行分析,发现了员工流失的众多原因,其中包括不注重企业文化以及员工薪酬体系制度不具有吸引力等等,最后针对酒店现存在的众多问题提出可行性的措施和建议来防止酒店的员工流失。因此,酒店需要把员工放在首位,为员工做出考虑和打算,坚持以人为本。酒店可以用令人心动的福利等来吸引人员加入进来,针对每位员工的个人需求做好对员工的管理工作。本文通过分析沈阳新都绿城喜来登酒店人员流失的现状以及原因,提出了合适本酒店发展的对策建议。 关键词:酒店; 员工流失; 原因; 对策; 建议AbstractIn recent years, the hotel industry has played an important role in the development of the tertiary industry. Therefore,the hotel industry has become an industry that cannot be underestimated.The rapid development of hotels requires the support of talents, but the phenomenon of hotel staff turnover is becoming increasingly serious.The occurrence of this phenomenon has a certain effect on the development and operation of the hotel industry. The hotel's staff stability demonstrates a key role in improving the competitiveness of the hotel industry.Employee turnover is not only a problem for the hotel industry, it is also a common problem for other industries. The hotel industry is a high service industry. The internal staff's work attitude is closely related to the quality of the service, and the quality of service in t...