摘 要随着我国经济的发展,保险行业的竞争也日趋激烈,保险相关销售人员的工作范围越来越广泛,也越来越专业化,这就需要对保险公司销售人员进行业务培训。企业员工培训,作为直接提高经营管理者能力水平和员工技能,为企业提供新的工作思路、知识、信息、技能,增长员工才干和敬业、创新基本的根本途径和极好方式,是最为重要的人力资源开发,是比物质资本投资更重要的人力资本投资。随着中国加入 WTO 和世界经济一体化,企业从来没有像当下那样重视培训。本文就培训谈些个人看法,以求创新企业培训。有效的企业培训,其实是提升企业综合竞争力的过程。事实上,培训的效果并不取决于受训者个人,而恰恰相反,企业组织本身作为一个有机体的状态,起着非常关键的作用。目前我国保险行业正在面临全新的机遇和挑战,为了使公司(沈阳平安人寿保险股份有限公司)能够顺应时代潮流持续发展,本文结合对保险行业销售背景和现状进行分析和研究,分析了该公司在销售人员培训方面存在的一些问题和相应对策。关键词:保险公司; 销售人员; 员工培训; 培训效果; 有效培训AbstractWith the development of China's economy, the competition in the insurance industry is becoming increasingly fierce, and the work scope of insurance-related salesmen is becoming more and more extensive and professional, which requires business training for the salesmen of insurance companies. Enterprise staff training, as a direct raise the level of management capacity and skills of employees, work provides a new train of thought, knowledge, information, skills, and increase employee talent and dedication, innovation basic fundamental way and a very good way, is the most important human resource development, is more important than material capital investment of human capital investment. With China's entry into the WTO and the integration of the world economy, companies have never paid as much attention to training as they do now. This article talks about some personal views on the training, in order to innovate the enterprise trainin...