深圳市思迅软件股份有限公司税收筹划问题研究摘要:近年来,世界经济增长脚步趋于缓慢,国内市场竞争不断增强,企业在复杂的竞争环境中依靠压缩企业成本来获取利益变得越来越难,税收筹划成为企业制定长期发展战略时的一个重要组成部分。本文借鉴相关的税收筹划理论,通过分析软件行业税收优惠政策、思讯软件公司的财务报表和纳税状况,发现思讯软件公司税收筹划存在的问题。论文结合思讯软件公司自身的情况,从筹资环节、投资环节、采购环节、开发环节、销售环节提出具体的税收筹划方案。希望论文研究能够为我国众多软件企业开展税收筹划工作、提高税收管理水平提供参考。关键词:税务筹划;软件公司;税收优惠Research on Tax Planning of Shenzhen Sisun Software Co., Ltd. IAbstract: In recent years, the pace of world economic growth has slowed down, and competition in the domestic market has continued to increase. It has become increasingly difficult for companies to rely on reducing corporate costs to obtain benefits in a complex competitive environment. Tax planning has become an important part of companies' long-term development strategies. section. This paper draws on the relevant tax planning theories, and analyzes the taxation policies of the software industry, the financial statements and taxation status of Sicent Software, and finds the problems of Sitex Software's tax planning. The thesis proposes specific tax planning schemes from the financing, investment, procurement, development, and sales links based on the company's own situation. It is hoped that the thesis research can provide a reference for many software companies in China to carry out tax planning and improve tax management.Key Words: Tax planning; Software companies; Tax incentivesII目 录摘要...................................................................................................................................IAbstract..............................................................