本科论文本科论文摘 要受到主客观因素的影响,如飞行员的驾驶技术、飞机本身的设计和制造、气候等因素,侵权损害在民航运输的过程中时有发生,造成了飞机损坏和人员伤亡的惨重后果,从而飞行途中相对人的人身和财产受到严重损害。本文结合目前的存在的现实的问题对侵权责任的认定给予了专门化的分析。同时还对国际法和国内法的相关角度进行了讨论,这样能够从航空航天运输的侵权制度,法律适用和构成要件等各方面进行专门化的研究。探究国内航空运输侵权责任制度的缺陷以及改进办法,为我国解决民用航空运输侵权损害纠纷提供新的法律指导,这样能够使得我国民航工业得到一个空前的发展和全方位的进步。关键词:航空事故;侵权;法律适用 Abstract本科论文 Civil aviation flight transportation runs frequently in the global field every day. In the meantime, various accidents occur from time to time. There are direct plane crash, there are aircraft in take-off or landing accidents, and even passengers on the plane when the sudden accident. In the course of the flight, the aircraft is often affected by the weather, machine failure, resulting in the pilot can not operate the aircraft and other unexpected reasons, such as the pilot in the flight of the wrong operation, the aircraft's own design and manufacturing problems, resulting in flight accidents, resulting in aircraft damage and heavy casualties, so that the relative person and money in flight The property was seriously damaged. This paper discusses the tort law system, the application of law, the constituent elements of liability and the principle of imputation by using the method of combining international law with domestic law.Keywords: aviation accident; infringement; application of law目 录前 言.................................................3本科论文一、涉外民用航空事故侵权的概况........................6(一)民用航空............................................................................................