基于排队论的超市收银排队系统分析与优化——以中山市五桂山镇和大福超市为例【摘要】随着人们生活水平的逐渐提高,人们进行生产生活和消费的行为也日渐频繁,等待和排队的现象日益突显,给人们的日常生活带来了烦恼。大型的超市和商场是人口流动密集的场所,人口流动的频繁时期很容易出现收银结账阶段的超长队长以及较久的等待时间,这会给顾客的满意度以及超市的服务效率造成困扰。为了合理地配置社会资源,实现消费者与销售者双方的共赢,需要深入研究超市的收银排队系统,并进行优化。我们以中山市五桂山镇和大幅超市为研究对象,利用调查问卷和与超市方面沟通的方法获取了收银排队的相关数据,运用运筹学和排队论的相关知识,构建了排队系统的模型,针对选定的指标和目标函数进行优化,获得相应结果。【关键词】排队系统;超市;目标函数 Analysis and Optimization of Queuing System of Supermarket Cashier Based on Queuing Theory-Taking Wuguishan Town and Dafu Supermarket in Zhongshan City as an Example [Abstract] With the gradual improvement of people's living standards, people's production, life and consumption behavior is also increasingly frequent. The phenomenon of waiting and queuing is increasingly prominent which brings troubles to people's daily life. Large supermarkets and shopping malls are densely populated places. In the period of frequent population flow, it has tendency to have extremely long queue length and long waiting time in the checkout phase which will cause problems to customer satisfaction and service efficiency of supermarkets. In order to allocate social resources and achieve win-win situation between consumers and sellers rationally, it is necessary to deeply study the checkout and queuing system of supermarkets and optimize it. We choose He Dafu supermarket as the research object, which is located at Wugui Mountain Town in Zhongshan City. By using the method of questionnaire and communication with the supermarkets we obtain the ...