中山市大参林连锁药店的配送路径优化【摘要】本文以中山市大参林连锁药店为研究对象,在实习期间向公司获得具体的配送数据,包括仓库资料、配送规划、配送时间、配送量等,根据它目前的配送现状发现中间可能存在的问题。为了避免模型数据在求解过程中对结果产生影响,将配送门店的平均需求进行比例放大得到虚拟需求,使其与对比项在总配送量上达到一致。以得到最短的配送路径为优化目标,出于对问题的特点以及算法的寻优效率考虑,选择单目标遗传算法的思路建立模型,并利用 MATLAB7.0 软件进行优化求解,最终得到一个在配送总路程以及配送车辆数量上比现实方案更优的配送方案,这个优化结果在理论上能更好地提高配送效率以及降低物流配送成本。【关键词】医药物流;连锁药店;路径优化;遗传算法注:本论文(设计)题目来源于教师的国家级(或省部级、厅级、市级、校级、企业)科研项目,项目编号为: 。Distribution path optimization of zhongshan dashenlin chain drugstoreAbstract This dissertation takes DaShenLin chain drugstore in Zhongshan as the research object. During the internship in the company, obtain specific distribution data, including warehouse data, distribution planning, distribution time, distribution volume, etc.. According to its current distribution status, the middle may exist problems. In order to avoid the influence of model data on the results in the solving process, the average demand of distribution stores is scaled up to obtain the virtual demand, which is consistent with the comparison terms in the total distribution. With the optimization target, in order to get the shortest delivery route for the characteristics of the problem and algorithm optimization efficiency consideration, choose the single objective genetic algorithm model, and use MATLAB7.0 software optimization solution, end up with a total journey in distribution and delivery vehicles quantity project scheme is better than the physical distribution, the optimization results in theory to ...