智慧冷链物流体系的构建研究—以苏宁为例【摘要】“互联网+”时代,人们的生活已经越来越离不开互联网,移动支付高度普及,在手机上一滑便能轻松实现衣食住行。随着国民消费水平提升,消费形式的转变,消费者的需求也不断升级转变,更加享受生活,注重健康。如今,“吃”不仅仅是为了生存,如何吃得丰富多样、健康绿色成了当今生活的重要内容。生鲜食品的需求量增加,这个巨大的商机让很多企业采取行动,纷纷投身冷链物流市场,消费者对生鲜食品品质要求的提高,也对冷链物流行业提出了更高的要求。本文对我国如今的冷链物流市场发展状况进行了分析,在新零售背景下,以苏宁冷链为例,在仓储、配送方面研究了苏宁如何构建智慧冷链,结合社会发展趋势,对传统冷链物流企业提出建议,希望对其构建智慧冷链物流体系有一定的借鉴意义。【关键词】 生鲜电商;冷链物流;苏宁冷链;智慧冷链注:本论文(设计)题目来源于教师的国家级(或省部级、厅级、市级、校级、企业)科研项目,项目编号为: 。Study on construction of intelligent cold chain logistics system—Take suning for example[Abstract] In the era of Internet +, people's life has become more and more inseparable from the Internet, and mobile payment is highly popular. With the promotion of national consumption level and the transformation of consumption form, it is easy to realize clothes, food, housing and transportation. Eating is not just to survive, how to eat healthy green variety has become the important content of today's life increase demand for fresh food, the huge business opportunities for many enterprises to take action, have devoted himself to the cold chain logistics market, consumers on the improvement of fresh food quality requirement, and also put forward higher requirements for cold chain logistics industry in this paper, the development now cold chain logistics market in our country is analyzed, under the background of new retail, su ning cold chain, for example, in the warehouse In the aspect of distribution,...