药品冷链物流配送研究——以广州医药有限公司为例摘要 本文立足于广州医药有限公司某冷藏药品在广州的配送现状,以该企业的药品冷链物流配送现状以及优化路线作为研究对象。随着我国经济迅速发展,医药流通规模的扩大以及生物技术的日益成熟,随之人们对医药物流的需求以及要求也将不断提高。而医药冷链作为医药物流的重要环节,其严格地保障了生物制药、疫苗的等需冷藏的药物在各个流通环节中的安全与完整。但由于我国医药冷链物流的发展时间较短、冷链物流设备较为落后,因此医药冷链物流的配送常常伴随着高成本、低利润、客户满意度欠佳等问题。本文基于国内医药冷链物流的大环境,对广州医药有限公司进行了冷链配送的调查研究。首先运用实地调查和资料收集法对该公司的冷链物流配送流程、业务、硬件以及配送情况进行整理归纳,然后通过研究药品冷链物流配送环节中现有的较为先进的技术,结合该企业自身的特点有选择性地对公司硬件或者软件进行升级。同时本文将运用物流配送路线优化相关算法,对该企业现有的配送路线进行优化整合。关键词 药品冷链物流;物流配送路线;医药物流;遗传算法Research on pharmaceutical cold chain logistics distribution -- a case study of Guangzhou pharmaceutical co., LTDAbstract Based on the distribution status of a certain refrigerated drug in Guangzhou of Guangzhou pharmaceutical co., LTD., this paper takes the distribution status and optimization route of the cold chain logistics of this enterprise as the research object. With the rapid development of China's economy which also affect the expansion of pharmaceutical circulation scale and the growing maturity of biotechnology, people's demand and requirements for pharmaceutical logistics will continue to increase. As an important part of pharmaceutical logistics, the pharmaceutical cold chain strictly guarantees the safety and integrity of the drugs in circulation, such as biopharmaceuticals and vaccines, which need to be refrigerated. However, due to the short development time and backward cold chain logistics equipment in Chin...