跨境电商自营海外仓的选址研究-以深圳市 L 公司为例【摘要】跨境电子商务是在互联网飞速发展的背景下形成一定规模,但是现阶段跨境电商的发展被发展缓慢的跨境物流严重阻碍着,而海外仓的出现能缓解一部分跨境物流带来的压力,本论文主要围绕着跨境电商卖家改如何选择合理的海外仓地址来进行开展。本文以海外仓的选址问题为研究对象,首先分析了跨境电商和跨境物流的现状,在不背离影响海外仓选址因素的原则下,以深圳市 L 公司为具体案例进行讨论,L 公司是一家销售产品主要为健身器材和小家具的跨境电商公司,因在欧洲的业务剧增,为了更好地开拓欧洲市场,需要在欧洲某一城市建立自营海外仓,已知有两个备选地址,现在要从两个备选地址中选出更优的建仓地址。并最后通过层次分析法构建了 L 公司海外仓选址评价体系,得出理想的建仓地址是比利时 W 地。本论文结论:海外仓选址时影响最大的因素是目的国的经营环境,其次是地理位置和基础设施,影响比较小的地质水文等自然因素,影响最小的是目的国增值税问题和人力资源。 【关键词】跨境物流;海外仓选址;层次分析法 Research on the Location Selection of Cross-border E-commerce Owned Overseas Warehouses: A Case Study of Shenzhen Company[Abstract] With the in-depth development of the "Internet" and the continuous spread of economic and trade globalization, many emerging markets have emerged. Many companies have seized the opportunity to upgrade and optimize the industry. Cross-border e-commerce is in this context. Rapidly develop and form a certain scale. However, at this stage, the development of cross-border e-commerce is seriously hindered by the slow development of cross-border logistics. The emergence of overseas warehouses can solve the problem of high cross-border logistics delivery freight, low parcel delivery rate, high packet loss rate, and difficulty in returning goods And poor shopping experience. In recent years, the development of overseas warehouses has been very strong. In just a few years, a large number of third-party overseas war...