跨境电商发展中的海外仓建设及优化探讨【摘要】近年来,在跨境电商迅速发展的情况下,我国跨境物流时效性低成本高等问题日益突出。而海外仓的出现就是为了缩短运输及配送周期、降低运输成本、解决售后不完善等问题,引起了国家的极大关注。很多跨境电商都选择在海外建设仓库,从而扩大市场份额,并缩短物流周期。俄罗斯作为我国贸易往来的重要伙伴也引起了很多跨境电商企业青睐,但由于俄罗斯特殊的政治背景,跨境电商企业要占据更多的俄罗斯市场,跨境物流的问题亟待解决。 基于此背景,本文采用文献研究法和案例分析法相结合的方式,以物流理论知识为指导,探讨了跨境电商物流的概念,海外仓的主要建设模式,结合实际分析我国跨境电商发展的现状。选取俄速通案例,发现在海外仓建设中可能发生的问题及产生原因,运用物流理论知识并结合参考文献,分析在俄速通在海外仓建设过程中的对策,总结出跨境电商发展中海外仓建设问题的应对措施。【关键词】电商物流;跨境物流;海外仓建设 Discussion on the construction and optimization of overseas warehouse in the development of cross-border E-commerce[Abstract]In recent years, with the rapid development of cross-border e-commerce, China's cross-border logistics timeliness, low cost and high problem has become increasingly prominent. The emergence of overseas warehouse is to shorten the transportation and distribution cycle, reduce the transportation cost, solve the problems of imperfect after-sales service, so more and more attention by the country. Many cross-border e-commerce companies choose to build warehouses overseas to expand market share and shorten the logistics cycle. As an important trade partner of China, Russia has attracted many cross-border e-commerce enterprises. However, due to the special political environment and logistics background of Russia, many problems still need to be solved if cross-border e-commerce enterprises want to gain a foothold in the Russian market.Based on this background, this paper adopts the method of combining...