本科论文摘 要随着社会的发展以及能源、环保等问题的日益突出,我们的政府正试图通过节能来减少排放。多项“节能减排”措施明显减轻了经济快速增长对环境和资源的负担。全球对具有低噪声,少污染,无排放等优点的新能源电动车的关注日益增加。作为有着良好发展前景的绿色汽车,新能源电动汽车受到人们的热烈欢迎。新能源充电桩作为新能源电动汽车发展不可或缺的辅助设施,具有重要的经济和社会优势,尤为吸引人关注。随着新能源电动汽车的快速发展,新能源充电桩的建设工作也在进行中。因此关于新能源充电桩选址问题研究已成为该领域的研究重点。对于如何才能提高充电效率,方便新能源汽车用户,降低运营成本,降低充电价格等问题成为新能源充电桩最应解决之处。因此,在沈阳市适当的位置选择建立新能源充电桩是至关重要的。本设计描述了沈阳市新能源充电桩选址的背景、意义、内容、方法和国内研究现状,简要介绍新能源充电桩设施在选址研究过程中的相关的理论体系,再利用重心法对沈阳市新能源充电桩进行初步求解,利用层次分析法比较新能源充电桩选址的四个因素 20个指标的重要程度以及通过模糊综合评价法专家打分来进行新能源充电桩选址地点的对比来确定沈阳市新能源充电桩进行最终选址。关键词:重心法;新能源充电桩;层次分析法;选址;模糊综合评价法本科论文AbstractWith the movement of community and the rise of prominent issues of energy and environmental protection, our government is trying to decrease emissions in terms of energy conservation. There are lots of "the energy conservation and the emission reduction" surveys have importantly eliminated the burden of sharply economic development on the surroundings and natural resources. Electric vehicles of new energy are the kind of machines with the benefit of less noise and pollution, and without emission. As a green vehicle with prospect of good development, electric vehicles of new energy are warmly welcomed by the public. The supporting facilities of electric vehicle charging pile with new energy are indispensable in the development process of electric vehicles with new energy. It...