本科论文摘 要冷链物流的出现和日益繁荣,不仅为物流业的发展提供了以前没有出现过得机遇,针对冷链仓储中心布局还有很高的要求。冷链物流仓储中心的运行效率怎么样提高已成为每一个物流公司之间竞争的重中之重。但是提高冷链仓储中心运行效率主要取决于不断修改和优化仓储中心布局。本文首先阐述关于冷链物流的一些知识理论;其次介绍某冷链仓储中心作业流程和布局规划,介绍某冷链仓储中心背景和发展现状;然后又详细介绍 Flexsim 软件的简介、组成和建模的基本步骤。对某冷链仓储中心布局进行 Flexsim 仿真建模,建立了仿真模型,对该仿真模型每个实体设置参数,设置好参数后并运行该模型,最后得出仿真结果和数据,对该仿真结果进行分析,找到该模型的“瓶颈”,然后对此建立优化仿真模型,得到最优方案。本文根据某冷链仓储中心的布局示意图,进行 Flexsim 仿真,进行科学合理的规划。通过仿真模拟实现了某冷链仓储中心各个区域的运营效率预测以及优化,有效解决堆积情况,提高冷链仓储中心的运营效率。关键词:冷链仓储中心; Flexsim;布局仿真优化; 本科论文AbstractThe emergence and increasing prosperity of cold chain logistics not only provide opportunities for the development of the logistics industry,but also put forward higher requirements for the layout of cold chain strorage centers.How to improve the operation efficiency of cold chain storage center has become the top priority among each logistics company.However,the improvement of operation efficiency of cold chain storage centers mainly depends on the continuous modification and optimization of storage center layout.Firstly,this paper expounds some knowledge theories about cold chain logistics.Secondly,the operation process and layout planning of the cold chain storage center are introduced,and the background and development status of a cold chain storage center is introduced.The Flexsim software is then introduced,composend,and basic modeled in detail layout. Flexsim simulation of a cold chain storage center,established the simulation modle...