题目:基于单片机的一氧化碳报警系统的设计与实现 摘要 我们都知道,一氧化碳对人体是有危害的。特别在冬天的时候,很多家庭会用炉子取暖,煤在燃烧的时候,会释放出来一氧化碳,这气体会对人产生危害,严重情况下,甚至使人窒息而死亡。所以当一氧化碳浓度超标时,及时的提醒用户是非常必要的。因此本文设计了一款基于单片机的一氧化氮报警器设计。在本设计中,是通过传感器检测一氧化碳浓度,经过 AD 转换,再把检测信号传递给单片机,经过分析处理,再控制外电路进行相应的操作。检测装置采用的是 MQ-7,控制核心采用的是 STC89C51 单片机。模数转换模块才用的是 ADC0809。而且系统还可以把一氧化碳浓度及时的显示在 LCD1602 液晶屏幕上,可以方便用户的阅读。当浓度达到设定浓度的时候,单片机会控制排气扇来把一氧化碳排放出去。关键词 一氧化碳传感器;单片机;智能控制;LCD 显示Abstract In the daily life of people, the harm of carbon monoxide is quite large. Especially in winter, gas water heater is used as a bath equipment in many families. Although the relevant regulations have been issued, the concentration of carbon monoxide should not exceed 0.05%. However, the aging of carbon dioxide will increase the concentration of carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is too high, it will be harmful to the human body, so the design of the carbon monoxide alarm system is particularly important.In this subject, through analysis and comparison, STC89C51 is selected as the core original of the control system. MQ-7 sensor was selected to detect carbon monoxide concentration. The detected carbon monoxide concentration was transformed into analog signal and transmitted to MCU by AD converter chip. After receiving the signal, the microcontroller can calculate the concentration and display it on the LCD1602 LCD screen. If the concentration is too high, it will control the exhaust fan and remove carbon monoxide, so as to effectively eliminate carbon monoxide.Keywor...