下载后可任意编辑MSCT 在对比剂外渗的急性腹部创伤性动脉损伤诊断中的应用价值MSCT 在对比剂外渗的急性腹部创伤性动脉损伤诊断中的应用价值 黄建斌 曹林德 韦文桦 李鑫 [摘要] 目的 探讨 MSCT 在对比剂外渗的急性腹部创伤性动脉损伤诊断中的应用价值。 方法 回顾性分析本院 20XX 年 1 月~20XX 年 12 月收治的 44 例急性创伤性腹部动脉损伤患者及 58 例腹部非创伤性动脉病变患者影像资料,分析急性腹部创伤性和非创伤性动脉病变所致对比剂外渗的相关性。 结果 44 例创伤性腹部损伤患者通过 MSCT 及图像后处理技术共检出 59 支动脉损伤,其中对比剂外渗 34 支、非对比剂外渗共 25 支;58 例急性腹部非创伤组共检出 58 支动脉病变,其中 8 支存在对比剂外渗。对比剂外渗征象创伤组出现率明显高于非创伤性组(χ2=24.42,P 结论 与非创伤组相比,急性腹部创伤性动脉损伤对比剂外渗征象较为常见,MSCT 可以较好地显示创傷性对比剂外渗的直接及间接征象。 [关键词] 腹部损伤;动脉损伤;体层摄影术;X 线计算机 [中图分类号] R543.1 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(20XX)09-0144-03 [Abstract] Objective To investigate the application value of MSCT in the diagnosis of acute abdominal traumatic arterial injury with contrast medium extravasation. Methods The image data of 44 patients with acute traumatic abdominal arterial injury and 58 patients with abdominal non-traumatic arterial disease treated in our hospital from January 20XX to December 20XX were retrospectively analyzed, and the correlation between contrast medium extravasation and acute abdominal traumatic , non-traumatic arterial disease was analyzed. Results A total of 59 arterial injuries were detected in 44 patients with 1下载后可任意编辑traumatic abdominal injury by MSCT and image post-processing techniques, of which 34 were extravasation of contrast medium and 25 were non-contrast medium extravasation. 58 cases of arterial disease were detected in the acute abdominal traumatic group, 8 of which had contras...