下载后可任意编辑本页为作品封面,下载后可以自由编辑删除,欢迎下载!!! 精 品文档1【精品 word 文档、可以自由编辑!】电气工程及其自动化专业人才培育方案Undergraduate Program for Electrical Engineering and its Automation Major学科门类 工学 代码 08Discipline Type: Engineering Code: 08类 别 电气信息类 代码 0806Type: Electrical Information Code: 0806专业名称 电气工程及其自动化 代码 080601Title of the Major: Electrical Engineering and its Automation Code: 080601一、学制与学位 Length of Schooling and Degree学制:四年 Duration:Four years学位:工学学士 Degree:Bachelor of Engineering二、培育目标 Educational Objectives培育基础扎实,知识面宽,具有较强的综合素养和一定的创新精神,能够从事电气工程及其自动化领域相关的工程设计、生产制造、系统运行、系统分析、技术开发、教育科研、经济管理等方面工作的下载后可任意编辑特色鲜亮的复合型高级工程技术人才。本专业设电力系统及其自动化(系统)、继电保护及自动远动技术(保护)、高电压技术(高压)、电力电子技术(电力电子)等 4 个专业方向。To cultivate advanced and vertisale enginerring talents with the distinctive qualities: having a goood command of fundamental studies, a broad range of knowledge, highly integrated abilities and the spirit of innovation, Upon the graduation, the students are expected to be comprehensive senior engineers with dominant speciality characteristic, and be capable for all electrical engineering and its automation related areas such as engineering design, electrical production, power system operation and analysis, technology development, education and research, financial management, etc. This major consists of 4 specialized directions: power system and its automation (power system, in short), protection relay and remote technology (protection), high voltage technology (high voltage), and power electronics technology.三、专业培育基本要求 Skills Profile1.扎实...