越南松绑 4 水电站工程机电设备安装机电设备安装防尘措施批准:李艺审核:张文红编制:谢荣新广东省源天工程公司松绑 4 水电站项目部二 0 一三年十月二十日VIETNAM SONGBUNG 4 HYDROPOWER STATION E&M EQUIPMENTS INSTALLATIONDUST CONTROL Approver: LI YI Inspector: ZHANG WENHONG Prepared by: XIE RONGXIN Guangdong Yuantian Engineering Company Song Bung 4 Hydropower Station Project Department October 20th, 2013- 1 - 目录 Contents 1 工作目标 OBJECTIVE .......................................... 22 组织措施 ORGANIZATIONAL MEASURES ............................ 23 技术措施 TECHNICAL MEASURES ................................. 34 材料及工具 MATERIALS AND TOOLS .............................. 52 根据越南松邦 4水电项目总体进度计划安排。越南松邦4水电项目第一台机定子组装、下线等机电设备安装在下月即装开始,厂房内混凝土施工还未完成,因此,根据设备不同的防护等级做好机电设备安装过程中的防尘措施。Whereas the E&M equipments of 1# unit shall be installed next month based the construction schedule,and the concrete work in powerhouse has not been completed,dust control measures shall be conducted as required. 1工作目标Objective 为解决现场作业环境满足现场施工要求,避免其它施工影响,我部根据以往电站施工经验,制定能满足施工条件要求的防护方案。Base on our work experiences in similar projects, make dust control measures and fulfill construction requirements. 2组织措施Organizational Measures 加强组织领导是做好防尘工作的关键。施工现场要有专人分管防尘事宜,建立和健全防尘机构,制定防尘工作计划和必要的规章制度,切实贯彻综合防尘措施:建立粉尘监测制度,评价劳动条件改善情况和技术措施的效果。Appoint person responsible for dust controlling,found the dust controlling institution,formulate dust controlling schedule,carry out dust controlling measures,establish dust monitoring system and evaluate effectiveness. 对控制扬尘工作的职责进行分解落实即:Responsibilities on site are as...